Integrative Medicine:

North Country Holistic Care Center offers multiple modalities to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical & emotional well being.





Smoking Cessation

More than 50 million Americans smoke.
The reasons to quit smoking are endless. Cigarettes have 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer causing compounds and 400 other toxins. These include nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide, as well as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic and DDT. According to the CDC, tobacco is the cause of 443,000 premature deaths each year, and is associated with emphysema, lung cancer, high blood pressure, chronic cough and an increase in frequency of colds and flu.

Many people want to quit because of the enormous expense of a cigarette habit or are just plain tired of being dependent on a substance. There is also considerable social pressure not to smoke. Most smokers can recall a dirty look or rude comment from someone that was nearby when they lit up.

Acupuncture is extremely helpful in controlling cravings. In fact, acupuncture is often a court mandated treatment for drug addicts because of its ability to reduce cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety and difficulty concentrating. Acupuncture as an approach to smoking cessation has turned a growing number of cigarette smokers into permanent ex-smokers.

"I smoked for 40 years -2 packs a day for most of that time.  I saw Dr. MacDonnell for help to stop smoking after I was hospitalized and the doctor told me I was developing emphysema.  I had tried everything over the years to quit – pills, patches, gum, hypnotism, fake cigarettes.  Nothing worked.  My lung doctor told me to try acupuncture with Dr. MacDonnell since he had other “hard cases” that had success with her program.  That was two years ago and I haven’t touched a cigarette since.  My lung doctor says the damage to my lungs has stopped and my lung function tests have improved.  I am thankful for the smoking program that finally let me beat that horrible addiction and breathe again!"  ~ J.L. Glens Falls, NY 

Our Smoking Cessation Program consists of six treatments scheduled in the first few weeks, followed by monthly treatments for four to six months.

The cost for the Smoking Cessation Program is $600 for the initial six sessions.

For more information, contact North Country Holistic Care Center or call us at (518) 745-5889