Integrative Medicine:

North Country Holistic Care Center offers multiple modalities to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical & emotional well being.






"Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food." These words were uttered long ago by Hippocrates and we at North Country Holistic adhere to this philosophy whenever possible.

The majority of the chronic illness in our country is a direct result of the toxic and nutrient poor diet we consume.  Much could be done to address these ills by a shift in what we as a culture consume.  Our food supply is contaminated by pesticides and other toxins; we consume man- made chemicals, "non-food", that our bodies do not recognize and which wreaks havoc on the exquisite mechanism of our genes and metabolism.  Our bodies did not evolve to process these substances and ingesting them is akin to putting tar into the engine of a Ferrari.

Rather than a massive, trillion dollar effort to bring the same outdated, flawed medicine to more people, perhaps we should spend money and effort to look at the problems at the root cause of all the devastating illness in this Nation.  The biggest root cause is what we put in our mouths. 

All our major illnesses can be traced to a dietary link, including our biggest killers – heart disease and cancer.  The role of diet in the evolution of heart disease in incontrovertible and the American Cancer Society has stated that more than one third of all cancers in the United States are linked to poor diet, dietary toxins and dietary deficiencies and thus were preventable.  Our other health scourges such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke and autoimmune diseases can also be traced to and improved by nutrition.

At NCHC our approach to each patient involves obtaining a dietary history and offering specific recommendations for improvement based on presenting complaint.  In some cases this evaluation involves laboratory testing for vitamin levels and evidence of genetic impairment of the metabolism of certain nutrients.

For more information or to book an appointment, contact North Country Holistic Care Center or call us at (518) 745-5889.